NEMNBA Membership Form 2023 NE Minnesota Beekeepers Association Posted on January 14, 2023 by jcharnesJanuary 14, 2023 Welcome to your NEMNBA Membership Form 2023. Please complete the questions on the following pages to help us keep our membership lists current. Some fields are required to complete the form and are marked as such. This is a secure site, so the data that you enter will be protected. Thanks for your input, and welcome to the NE Minnesota Beekeepers Association! Is this a New or Renewal Mebership Form (required)? Please enter your first name (required)All memberships include your family as well. Please indicate the name of the primary member who will be your contact. Please enter your last name (required) Enter the names of other family members (if desired) Mailing Street Address (required): City (required): State (required): Zipcode (required): Primary Email Address (required): Additional Email Addresses (if desired): Home Phone Number (if available): Cell Phone Number (required): May we text you at this number? (Yes or No) What speakers or topics would you like to hear about in future meetings? Would you be willing to coach a new beekeeper in your area? (Yes / No / Possibly) Would you be willing to serve on a committee? (Yes / No) How many years have you kept bees? How many hives did you keep last year? Please fill in the comment box below. Time is Up!